Call to Action Forms

Different types of forms which include email subscription, blog subscription and basic search call to action.

<form action="" method="GET" class="form form--cta">

    <div class="form--cta__container">
        <label for="form--cta__field-id" class="form__label form__title">Subscribe to email updates</label>

        <label for="form--cta__field-id" class="form__subtitle">Get an email when new woods come on to the market</label>

        <div class="form__group">
            <input type="text" id="form--cta__field-id" name="field" placeholder="Enter email address…" />
            <button class="button button--green ">
                <span>Sign up to mailing list</span>

<form action="" method="GET" class="form {{modifier 'form--cta' form.modifiers}}">
    {{#if form.drawing }}
    <div class="form--cta__image">
        {{ render '@drawing' }}

    <div class="form--cta__container">
        <label for="form--cta__field-id" class="form__label form__title">{{ form.label }}</label>

        {{#if form.sub }}
        <label for="form--cta__field-id" class="form__subtitle">{{ form.sub }}</label>

        <div class="form__group">
            <input type="text" id="form--cta__field-id" name="field" placeholder="{{ form.placeholder }}" />
            {{ render '@button' button merge=true }}